Our Bookkeeping Service for Law Firms Includes:

  • Preparation of a complete set of accounting books
  • Reconciliation of all bank general accounts
  • Reconciliation of your Trust bank accounts
  • Review and reconciliations of your client ledgers

Key Benefits

  • We have been working with various law firms for over 15 years
  • We are fully familiar with the Ontario Law Society bookkeeping requirements ( Bylaw 9) , including Trust reconciliation
  • We are experienced and have completed formal courses on PCLaw and clio
  • Experienced with spot audits and dealing with LSUC auditors

Law Firm Testimonial

As a newly called lawyer, I had attempted to do my own bookkeeping. Once my real estate legal practice started it grew relatively fast and it became overwhelming. I was not able to keep a good accounting system in place.

I was referred to Robert by another lawyer. I called him and right away he set up a meeting with me to come over and discuss my bookkeeping practices.

Once Robert looked at my system, he immediately realized that he would be undertaking a huge job. He had over 4 years of records to go through and to reconcile. This did not deter him at all. Bytown Bookkeeping proceeded in setting up my practice on PCLaw and redid the bookkeeping for those 4 years, reconciling my trust accounts month by month. Robert has also been involved in dealing with the Law Society auditors supplying them requested reports etc

Robert has been a lifesaver to my firm. He has revamped my whole accounting system and is teaching me how to keep better records.

Robert is always available when I need him.

Robert is very diligent and takes his work very seriously. I would highly recommended his to anyone.

(Actual signed letter of recommendation is available for inspection. Solicitor name removed from the web out of respect for our client)